Blog2 - EN

FFU-Control ebmpapst Modbus 5.0.1 lite

Normally the commissioning of “smaller” cleanrooms with our EC-control devices runs smoothly, that even completely new customers are able to manage this with a bit telephone support no matter if the FFUs uses ebmpapst-, NicotraGebhardt-, Rosenberg- or Ziehl Abegg-drives. But not so at a Biotec enduser in northern Germany end of January. Unfortunately more than one single issue existed that causes some trouble. Firstly a wrong cable PIN of the RJ45 (green/white instead of orange/white) was used that NetA and NetB of the main backbone was no more a twisted pair. Furthermore due to whatever reason the Modbus communication was not that fast and swift as usual.

As beside of a very few revisions hatches the whole cleanroom was completely sealed the search for the root cause for the pretty sluggish communication was not found. Finally a proper termination (RT = 120 Ohm) at the end of the modbus-rtu-line of 400m length lead to better system response times that the customer was satisfied even if the technicians loves to understand such things completely.


Mathias Paul



EC-Control Device for Belgium

We assume that some of our EC-Control-Devices are already in action in Belgium, as ebmpapst drives a service point BeNeLux in the Netherlands. However the first direct order from Belgium was accomplished and delivered by today. Therewith our interactive customer map may get an update.

EC-Control Device

Interestingly to be mentioned that the chosen parameter set was exactly as one of our big customer is using, that is bearing parameters for Modbus-rtu systems of ebmpapst, Ziehl Abegg, NicotraGebhardt and Rosenberg. If all of these different EC-fans are really used by our new customer may keep his secret.


Mathias Paul



Automation of a Refrigeration System by SIEMENS SPS S7

Around 1900 breweries were often set in the underground a plant of chestnut trees for cooling on top. True or not, this is what came to your author attention while watching a TV-report about Carl von Linde. Today the chestnut groves will be used more often to sit here and enjoy the results of the brewing process, the cooling is business of technique. Last week we had the opportunity to support our partner KälteConcept in doing the whole automation at a refrigeration system.

  • Refrigeration System by SIEMENS SPS S7
  • Refrigeration System error log
  • Refrigeration System error log archiv

The core was a S7-1500 used as CPU, as HMI a KTP900 comfort is used. The cooling appliance consists of 2 screw compressors from Bitzer. The cold brine cycle was realised with 2 Magna pumps, controlled in close loop by pressure, while the 2 Grundfoss-pumps of the lubrication cycle were controlled alternating in redundancy for sake of a long operation life. The highlight of the automation is an error log, that saves all relevant pressures and temperature carts of the last 3 minutes BEFORE an error will have occurred.


Daniel Hübscher

PLC / automation


Maintenance of a FFU Plant

To avoid unpleasant surprises at the maintenance on site, a careful log-data analysis in detail is obligatory in front of the maintenance trip . This is on one hand highly professional towards the costumer and helps on the other side to prepare the trip properly. If no heavy tools and spare parts are required, the climate friendly train trip is always 1st choice. 


Since 3 years the FFU-plant with EC-fans from Nicotra||Gebhardt is running free of trouble. To avoid occasional communication errors in the Ethernet / Modbus-rtu Network, the Gateways and the LON-Remote-Network-Interface (RNI) were updated with the latest firmware.


Mathias Paul



Modbus/TCP - FFUs from 2 Decades driven by a single Central Control Unit

Most of the German automation companies are established giants using and extending their cleanrooms since more than 2 decades. Consequently the FFU-Control-Servers bases on very different generations of Hard- and Software. One of these companies, who at least used FFUs of different generations all with RS485 field bus systems, we supported now to adapt all FFUs of all these generations to his one and only Facility Management System (FMS).

From now one his gateways communicate “upwards” via Modbus-TCP with his FMS and “downwards” with the respective field-bus system. The different bus-systems are selectable via Gateway WEB-GUI in a very simple manner the control itself is done automatically. Our customer was delighted as he took a video of the commissioning with 4 different FFU-types with 20 years in between there manufacturing date.


Raimond Posselt



EC Motors – often without Temperature Sensors inside

Also this year your author supports the Sächsische Kältefachschule at their education in different graduation levels. The chosen topics content again electrical drives mainly EC-drives.

EC Motor

A constantly recurring question is, why do so many EC-motors do not have any temperature sensor inside as – no matter if a simple clixon-contact, a PTC or even a PT100 – most induction motors do have. The answer lies in the functionality in combination with its needed direct combination with a control drive. Sometimes unconscious you consider an application inside an EC-fan. In this combination of EC-motor, Control-Drive and an impeller it succeeds that with a fixed combination of motor with impeller, combined with a simple limitation of running speed the motor can be protected by overheating as long as the medium temperature of the moved air is not improper high.


Mathias Paul




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